Born in Cremona on the 8th of December 1950, he was in 1978 appointed judge in the Courts of Padua and Bologna and in 1986, when he became Professor in criminal law, he decided to forgo a judicial career and started to practice as a lawyer. Currently, he is lecturer at the University of Bologna for the academic courses of Criminal Law and Commercial Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law and Economic Criminal Law at the Faculty of Economics.
He is Head Editor of the criminal law review “ – Studi e materiali di diritto penale” and member of the Scientific Committee of the criminal law review “L’indice penale”. He has written many scientific articles and works, including the books “La tutela penale del segreto industriale” (“The criminal protection of the industrial secret”, 1979), “Il disvalore di evento nell’illecito penale” (“The meaning of the event in the criminal offence”, 1983), “Problemi attuali di diritto penale societario” (“Current problems of corporate criminal law”, 1985), “Il falso in bilancio” (“Accounting Fraud”, 2 editions, 1996 and 2004), “Diritto penale dell’economia” (“Economic Criminal Law”, 3 editions, 2010, 2013 and 2016, with E. Amati).
E-mail to Nicola Mazzacuva – Certified e-mail: nicola.mazzacuva@

He graduated with honors in Law in 2008 from the University of Bologna and obtained a Ph.D. in Criminal Law in 2012 from the University of Parma, where he served as a research assistant in Criminal Law from 2014 to 2016, a researcher from 2019 to 2022, and is currently an Associate Professor of Criminal Law (click here to view the university profile).
During his academic journey, he conducted research at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Queen Mary University in London, Goethe University in Frankfurt, and the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg in Brisgovia. In 2010, he interned at the European Court of Human Rights. He has authored more than a hundred scientific publications, is a member of the editorial board of various legal journals, and at the 20th World Congress of the International Association of Penal Law held in Rome in November 2019, he was elected President of the Young Penalists Section.
In 2012, he began practicing as a lawyer, registered with the Bologna lawyers’ order . Subsequently, he was appointed as an ordinary magistrate with the decrees of December 23, 2015, and January 18, 2016, and until December 2019, he served as a judge in the criminal section of the Modena Court. As he is currently registered in the special register of full-time professors under Article 19, paragraph 2, of Law No. 247/2012, he provides consulting services as prescribed by the university system.
Email to Francesco

After earning his Master’s degree in Law with honors from the University of Bologna in 2010, he obtained a Ph.D. in Criminal Law from the University of Milan-Bicocca in 2014. Subsequently, he worked as a research assistant at the University of Milan-Bicocca in the years 2014-2015, 2017-2018, and 2019-2020. He conducted research abroad at the Dickson Poon School of Law at King’s College London and Queen Mary University in London.
From 2018 to 2019, he served as a part-time professor in tax criminal law at the University of Milan-Bicocca, where he has been a lecturer in the criminal law of the economy since 2020. He is the author of several publications, including monographs, articles published in national and international scientific journals, and contributions to collective works. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal “L’Indice Penale.” He has participated as a speaker in national and international study conferences.
In 2020, he obtained the National Scientific Qualification (second tier), in the competition sector 12/G1 (Criminal Law), with unanimous judgment from the Commission.
He has been a lawyer at the Court of Bologna since 2014 and is a member of the Management Committee of the Territorial School of the Criminal Court of Bologna “Franco Bricola.” He also serves as a member of supervisory bodies for companies, consortia, and foundations.
Email to Federico
Certified e-mail: federico.mazzacuva@

A lawyer registered with the lawyers’ order of Bologna, she earned a Ph.D. in criminal law and procedure at Sapienza University of Rome, discussing a thesis on the liability for crimes committed by entities.
She has conducted research periods at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg i. Br and at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies of the University of London.
She is the author of contributions in collective works and journals and has been a speaker at national and international conferences.
From May 2013 to February 2014, she was part of the technical secretariat of the Minister of Justice Annamaria Cancellieri and from March 2014 to May 2017, she worked at the Office for the Affairs of the Administration of Justice of the Presidency of the Republic, in the staff of the Advisor for Justice Affairs, Pres. Ernesto Lupo.
Email to Annarita

Graduated with honors in law from the University of Trento, with a thesis titled “Techniques of Protection and Environmental Criminal Law” (supervisor Prof. Gabriele Fornasari), she completed a period of study and training at the Juristische Fakultät, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität of Heidelberg, Germany.
Admitted to the Turin lawyers’ order since 2013, she specializes in legal consulting and litigation in the fields of corporate criminal law and the administrative liability of legal entities.
Her professional activity, closely engaged with numerous business realities, not only within the Piedmont region, has enabled her to deepen and acquire specific expertise related to governance and compliance systems, particularly concerning the implications of responsibilities arising from Legislative Decree 231/2001.
She is a member and external consultant of various supervisory bodies according to Legislative Decree 231/2001.
Since October 2023, she has been collaborating with Mazzacuva Law Firm.
She is registered at the Criminal Chamber of Bologna “Franco Bricola”.
Email to Giovanna

He graduated with honors in Law in 2022 from the University of Bologna, presenting a thesis on Security and Prevention Law titled “Preventive and Anti-Mafia Prohibition Measures: An Autonomous System Against Organized Crime” under Prof. Tommaso Guerini. Since that year, he has been undertaking a curricular internship at the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Bologna.
Since March 2023, he has been practicing criminal law, both in judicial and extrajudicial matters, with a particular focus on the administrative liability of entities under Legislative Decree 231 of 2001. He works as a secretary for the supervisory bodies of companies and foundations.
Email to Francesco

He graduated with honors in Law in 2022 from the University of Bologna, where he defended a thesis in Criminal Law titled “Nemo tenetur se detegere. Current Issues and Perspectives” in the field of Criminal Law. Since the same year, he has been practicing law in the criminal field.
Email to Adil